Basic Guidelines for a good body composition

Hi guys, 

Sorry i have been inactive on here for a while, been pretty busy with rugby and university studies. 

As summer is creeping up i thought it would be good to give you some basic guidelines to achieve the goals you are looking for. 

A diet basically has three levels:

  1. The amount of calories you require in accordance with your activity levels and your body comp goals 
  2. The calorie breakdown of your diet- i.e. your protein/carbohydrate/fat ratio in relation to your goals 
  3. What foods you eat to make up these calories 

People tend to put emphasis on only one or maybe two of these factors. The more advanced you get with your diet the deeper you will go into ensuring you are taking on exactly what you need. 

Today I am going to give you a very brief introduction into number 3- What foods you should eat, as i believe this is the most important. 

Here are some very brief and basic rules to follow:

Let’s start with what you can eat:

If you can hunt it or fish it

If you can grow it/ pick it 

Basically if it is natural/ it has not been tampered with… eat it.

Go for quality, locally produced organic foods 

Good carbs to eat- sweet potato, butternut squash, oats, quinoa. 


What you should avoid:

anything artificial- bread, sweets, cakes, coca-cola for example.   


It really is as simple as that… It is basically the paleo diet. Eat whatever was available to the caveman. I truly believe from personal experience that if you go natural, not only can you eat loads of it, you will shred fat and feel so energised! Load up on green vegetables and keep it natural! 

I will go into more detail of what exactly are the best natural foods to eat and for what purpose etc in posts to come. 


Stay tuned… Let’s get in shape